So geeked to be recognized with these esteemed writers by Black Women in Horror.
The amazing Sumiko Slauson has been compiling this list since 2013. This year, award-winning writer Kenya Moss-Dyme helped curate the list for a new book 150 Black Women in Horror.
I’ve been fascinated with the genre since I was 8 years old. My mom would bring home Stephen King and Dean Koontz novels and leave them on her night stand. Whenever I played in her room, I would be drawn by the lurid covers, so I just had to read them. Even as a kid, I was intrigued by the darker side of human nature and those monstrous forces that threaten our lives.
I didn’t know how to fight, so I wrote obituaries.
Whenever someone bullied me, I killed them off, so to speak, in an obit: Susie was brutally murdered by her brother or Timmy got run over by the school bus.
Thankfully, no one died as a result of my morbid writing, but I do wield horror as a weapon to slay the demons of racism, police brutality and other social justice issues.
Speaking of horror, I’ll have a huge announcement to make soon. Super excited. I hope you will be too!